Here's the quick version of everything you need to know to get started
playing chadminton.
Each period or game begins with a face-off - both chads must be
After a score, the scoring team serves the ball to their opponent
- You can screen or hip-check players with your side
DON'T hit players with your scoop/stick, hit them harder than
necessary, or hit anyone on their blind side/back
- DON'T throw your scoop, but you can throw the pillow
DON'T intentionally kick the ball or touch it with your hands,
unless you're playing goalie
- You can stiff arm another player's scoop but DON'T grab it
If a scoop breaks, the team in possession retains the ball;
otherwise, it's a face-off
If the goalie picks up the ball with the scoop only, he/she can run
with the ball
Otherwise, the goalie must throw the ball in with the scoop and
cannot leave the crease
Offensive players may not enter the crease of the goal they're
attacking if the goalie is present
A throw in from out of bounds in the team's attacking zone must be
halfway between the goal and the corner
The ball is out of bounds if it is completely across the boundary or
the player who has possession is completely across the boundary
DON'T hold the mouth of your scoop against any part of your body to
keep the ball in the scoop